Kamis, 15 November 2012

Academic Essay Writing_Argumentative Essay

Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Elementary Students in Indonesian School

Fenty Yunia Vianarika
Sanata Dharma University

I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand
-Chinese Proverb-
Nowadays, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has become more popular in some educations in Indonesia and they start to teach EFL in Elementary School. As cited from http://www.det.nt.gov.au/ about NT Curriculum Framework, “English as a Foreign Language (EFL) involves teaching adults and children whose first or main language is not English while English as Second Language (ESL) involves teaching adults and children whose second language is English.” It means that EFL is not children daily speaking. However, they use English language in certain places such as in school or in class when they are learning English language. There are two problems in teaching EFL for Elementary students: (1) The teaching methods of EFL are not interesting and (2) the teacher cannot explain the material in a simple language. Because of those problems, Elementary students cannot speak English fluently and correctly until they are adults. As cited from http://journal.teflin.org/ by Patuan Raja, “One major problem in teaching English is the English language department of Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) especially in English education are designed to supply English teacher to senior – not even junior – high schools.” Teacher from Elementary education or Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) will take this opportunity to teach English language for Elementary students so that the students may have some difficulties in learning English language because of the teacher does not have a good educational background in English language and how to teach EFL for Elementary students. Therefore, this essay will discuss about two methods to teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for Elementary students in Indonesian school, examples of teaching activities English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for Elementary students, and the benefits of using Total Physical Response (TPR) and combining hand-made materials as the teaching activities in class.
Methods to teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for Elementary students are using Total Physical Response (TPR) and combining hand-made materials. First method to teach EFL for Elementary students is using Total Physical Response (TPR) was developed by James Asher, “consists basically of obeying commands given by the instructor that involve an overt physical response” (Krashen, 1982, pp.140-142). Teacher can give commands to the students in a classroom such as the teacher says “stand up” and the students must obey the command so, the students stand up. Then, the teacher says “turn around” and the students turn around. And the last, the teacher says “sit down” and the students sit down. In TPR, teacher’s role only as a director of all students’ behavior and students learn how to behave by listening and doing the commands. There are three principles of TPR methods: “(1) Delay speech from students until they get their understanding in spoken language, (2) achieve understanding of spoken language through utterances by the instructor in the imperative, and (3) students will indicate a ‘readiness’ to talk at some point in the understanding of spoken language” (Asher, 1977, p.1041). The explanation of the three principles of TPR is (1) teacher never explain the words semantically but, teacher only practices the words in front of the class. Students must follow the teacher behavior until they understand the meaning of the words. (2) Students will understand the meaning of the words and they can memorize the words well, and (3) after the students understand the meaning and memorize the words, they have a readiness to give the commands. In sum teacher believes by using TPR, “The importance of having their students enjoy is their experience in learning to communicate in a foreign language” (Larsen-Freeman, 2000, p.113). Second method to teach EFL for Elementary students is combining hand-made materials. As cited from http://vox-vocis.hubpages.com/, “combine hand-made materials make students like to be engage in practical, fun activities and exercises, and participate in making things such as Christmas postcards, paper airplanes, paper ships and so on.” Hand-made materials also make students can get their understanding in learning English language and increase their creativity because they make a hand-made while the instruction of making hand-made is using English language. Thus, students will get two skills in their learning English such as communication in English language and creativity. Therefore, these two methods to teach EFL for Elementary students can increase students’ opportunity to speak up and to be more active besides their creativity.
EFL teaching activities for Elementary students must be designed in interesting way, easy to understand, and using a simple language so that the students can get their target in learning English language. One of EFL teaching activities is using TPR, and as an example of TPR teaching activity is in table 1:

Table 1
The teacher gives a command in the target language and performs it with the students.
Meaning in the target language can often be conveyed through actions. Memory is activated through the learner response. Beginning foreign language instruction should address the right hemisphere of the brain, the part which controls nonverbal behaviour. The target language should be presented in chunks, not just word by word.
The students say nothing.
The students’ understanding of the target language should be developed before speaking.
The teacher gives the commands quite quickly.
Students can initially learn one part of the language rapidly by moving their bodies.
The teacher sits down and issues commands to the volunteers.
The imperative is a powerful linguistic device through which the teacher can direct student behaviour.
The teacher directs students other than the volunteers.
Students can learn through observing actions as well as by performing the actions themselves.
The teacher introduces new commands after she is satisfied that the first six have been mastered.
It is very important that students feel successful. Feelings of success and low anxiety facilitate learning.
The teacher changes the order of the commands.
Students should not be made to memorize fixed routines.
When the students make an error, the teacher repeats the command while acting it out.
Correction should be carried out in an unobtrusive manner.
The teacher gives the students commands they have not heard before.
Students must develop flexibility in understanding novel combinations of target language chunks. They need to understand more than the exact sentences used in training. Novelty is also motivating.
The teacher says, “Jump to the desk.” Everyone laughs.
Language learning is more effective when it is fun.
The teacher writes the new commands on the blackboard.
Spoken language should be emphasized over written language.
A few weeks later, a student who has not spoken before the commands.
Students will begin to speak when they are ready.
A student says, “Shake hand with your neighbour.”
Students are expected to make errors when they first begin speaking. Teachers should be tolerant of them. Work on the fine details of the language should be postponed until students have become somewhat proficient.
 (Larsen-Freeman, 2000, pp. 111-113)
Another EFL teaching activity is using hand-made materials to develop students’ activity and creativity in class. Students can get their target language in learning English language. The teaching activities in EFL classroom by using hand-made materials are in Table 2:
Table 2
1.   Teacher gives flash cards which have pictures and names of family members, such as F-A-T-H-E-R, M-O-T-H-E-R, B-R-O-T-H-E-R, S-I-S-T-E-R.
2.   Teacher asks the students to memorize the words.
3.   Teacher asks the students to submit the flash cards.
4.   Teacher gives another card. However, these cards have not any words only pictures. Then, teacher is not distributing the flash cards to the students. Teacher keeps the flash card and she/he will show it in front of the class and say, “Who is she/he?”
5.   When students make a mistake, teacher must say, “No, she is not a mother.” So, the teacher is not allowed to give the correct answer.
6.   Another activity, teacher asks the students to make flash card of 10 animals.
Students look the pictures and the words. By looking the pictures, students can differentiate which one are father and mother.
Students can memorize the words by looking the pictures and imagine.
Students learn to obey and give their respect to the teacher.
Students are trying to memorize the words and the meaning by looking the pictures. Then, students try to answer the pictures and they will say, “She is a mother or He is a father.”

Students expected that they will learn from their mistake.

Students will make flash cards of 10 animals and each student will perform in front of the class to show his/her creativity. From this activity, students can improve their creativity and communication in target language.

Table 2 is explaining one method of combining hand-made materials for Elementary students by using flash cards of family members. Teacher can use another media such as Christmas postcard, paper airplanes and ships.
The benefits of Total Physical Response (TPR) insure the students’ participation and understanding, and provide the understanding by hear the word. As cited from http://sastra.um.ac.id/ by Handoyo Puji Widodo, “The method is a lot of fun because students enjoy it, it is memorable because it does assist students to recognize phrases or words, good kinaesthetic to be active, can be used in large or small classes, works well with mixed ability classes because the physical actions get the meaning effectively so that the learners can get their target language, ...” It is true that students are enjoying learning English language because the learning process is not boring. Students can get their interest to study more in English language. The learning process is memorable because students are practicing the words and it makes students to be more active in class participation and also good for their kinaesthetic development. Then, the benefits of combining hand-made materials make students to be more creative, innovative and love the environment. As cited from http://www.ehow.com/ by Matt Scheer, combining hand-made materials as the methods to teach EFL “can save the money, recycle and get students’ focused.” He said that teacher can create the same materials from his/her past activity for less the money and share the ideas with other teachers to help them save their materials too, teacher can use materials around them or used items. Recycle can challenge students’ creativity and teach them to reduce waste. Then, the materials can be designed for children’s specific needs which can ensure their interests in language learning. Moreover, students are helped by certain activities in their learning language and necessary skills. Students can learn from pictures and they will imagine the words by looking the pictures. They will learn to memorize the words and the meaning only looking the pictures. From these activities, students expected that they can get their target language in learning English and have an opportunity express their capability and creativity in learning English.
In sum, between TPR and combine hand-made materials are good methods to teach EFL for Elementary students. Teacher can use those methods in his/her class when they should teach in EFL classroom. Then, teacher can consider from the benefits by using TPR and combining hand-made materials, and then the teaching activities are interesting to do in EFL class. The goal is the students can get their target language in learning English practically rather than theoretically.

Krashen, Stephen D. (1982). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Pergamon Institute of English. New York. pp. 140-142.
Asher, J. (1977). The Total Physical Response approach to second language learning. Modern Language Journal. p. 1041.
Larsen-Freeman, Diane. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Second Edition. Oxford University Press. pp. 111-113.
Raja, Patuan. Retrieved on September 16, 2012, 12:53 from http://journal.teflin.org/index.php/teflin/article/viewFile/40/135
Retrieved on September 2, 2012, 14:17 from http://vox-vocis.hubpages.com/hub/Teaching-pre-school-English
Scheer, Matt. Retrieved on October 9, 2012, 20:28 from http://www.ehow.com/list_6645072_benefits-teacher-created-materials_.html