Summary: APA (American Psychological
Association) is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences.
This resource, revised according to the 6th edition, second printing of the APA
manual, offers examples for the general format of APA research papers, in-text
citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page. For more information,
please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association, 6th edition, second printing.
Contributors:Joshua M. Paiz, Elizabeth Angeli, Jodi
Wagner, Elena Lawrick, Kristen Moore, Michael Anderson, Lars Soderlund, Allen
Brizee, Russell Keck
Last Edited: 2012-05-30 12:19:58
Last Edited: 2012-05-30 12:19:58
Please use
the example at the bottom of this page to cite the Purdue OWL in APA.
To see a
side-by-side comparison of the three most widely used citation styles,
including a chart of all APA citation guidelines, see the Citation
Style Chart.
APA Guidelines
Your essay
should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11")
with 1" margins on all sides. You should use a clear font that is highly
readable. APA recommends using 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
Include a page
header (also known as the "running head") at
the top of every page. To create a page header/running head, insert
page numbers flush right. Then type "TITLE OF YOUR PAPER" in the
header flush left using all capital letters. The running head is
a shortened version of your paper's title and cannot exceed 50 characters
including spacing and punctuation.
Paper Sections
Your essay
should include four major sections: the Title Page, Abstract, Main
Body, andReferences.
The title
page should contain the title of the paper, the author's
name, and theinstitutional affiliation. Include the page header
(described above) flush left with the page number flush right at the top of the
page. Please note that on the title page, your page header/running head should
look like this:
after the title page should have a running head that looks like this:
consulting with publication specialists at the APA, OWL staff learned that the
APA 6th edition, first printing sample papers have incorrect examples
of Running heads on pages after the title page. This link will take you to the APA site where
you can find a complete list of all the errors in the APA's 6th edition style
Type your title in
upper and lowercase letters centered in the upper half of the page. APA
recommends that your title be no more than 12 words in length and that it
should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose. Your title may
take up one or two lines. All text on the title page, and throughout your
paper, should be double-spaced.
the title, type the author's name: first name, middle initial(s),
and last name. Do not use titles (Dr.) or degrees (Ph.D.).
the author's name, type the institutional affiliation, which should
indicate the location where the author(s) conducted the research.
![This image shows the title page for an APA sixth edition paper.](file:///C:/Users/MASTER/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg)
and Endnotes
APA does
not recommend the use of footnotes and endnotes because they are often
expensive for publishers to reproduce. However, if explanatory notes still
prove necessary to your document, APA details the use of two types of
footnotes: content and copyright.
When using
either type of footnote, insert a number formatted in superscript following
almost any punctuation mark. Footnote numbers should not follow dashes ( — ),
and if they appear in a sentence in parentheses, the footnote number should be
inserted within the parentheses.
Scientists examined—over several years1—the
fossilized remains of the wooly-wooly yak.2 (These have now been
transferred to the Chauan Museum.3)
When using
the footnote function in a word-processing program like Microsoft Word, place
all footnotes at the bottom of the page on which they appear. Footnotes may
also appear on the final page of your document (usually this is after the
References page). Center the word “Footnotes” at the top of the page. Indent
five spaces on the first line of each footnote. Then, follow normal paragraph
spacing rules. Double-space throughout.
1 While the method of examination for
the wooly-wooly yak provides important insights to this research, this document
does not focus on this particular species.
Notes provide supplemental information to your readers. When providing Content
Notes, be brief and focus on only one subject. Try to limit your comments to
one small paragraph.
Notes can also point readers to information that is available in more detail
1 See Blackmur (1995), especially
chapters three and four, for an insightful analysis of this extraordinary
Permission Notes
If you
quote more than 500 words of published material or think you may be in
violation of “Fair Use” copyright laws, you must get the formal permission of
the author(s). All other sources simply appear in the reference list.
Follow the
same formatting rules as with Content Notes for noting copyright permissions.
Then attach a copy of the permission letter to the document.
If you are
reproducing a graphic, chart, or table, from some other source, you must
provide a special note at the bottom of the item that includes copyright
information. You should also submit written permission along with your work.
Begin the citation with “Note.”
Note. From “Title of the article,” by W. Jones
and R. Smith, 2007, Journal Title, 21, p. 122. Copyright 2007 by Copyright
Holder. Reprinted with permission.
an Author or Authors
A Work by
Two Authors: Name both authors in the signal phrase or in the
parentheses each time you cite the work. Use the word "and" between
the authors' names within the text and use the ampersand in the parentheses.
Research by Wegener and Petty (1994) supports...
(Wegener & Petty, 1994)
A Work by
Three to Five Authors: List all the authors in the signal phrase or in
parentheses the first time you cite the source.
(Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow, 1993)
subsequent citations, only use the first author's last name followed by
"et al." in the signal phrase or in parentheses.
(Kernis et al., 1993)
In et
al., et should not be followed by a period.
Six or
More Authors: Use the first author's name followed by et al.
in the signal phrase or in parentheses.
Harris et al. (2001) argued...
(Harris et al., 2001)
Author: If the work does not have an author, cite the
source by its title in the signal phrase or use the first word or two in the
parentheses. Titles of books and reports are italicized or underlined; titles
of articles, chapters, and web pages are in quotation marks.
A similar study was done of students learning to
format research papers ("Using APA," 2001).
Note: In the
rare case the "Anonymous" is used for the author, treat it as the
author's name (Anonymous, 2001). In the reference list, use the name Anonymous
as the author.
as an Author: If the author is an organization or a government
agency, mention the organization in the signal phrase or in the parenthetical
citation the first time you cite the source.
According to the American Psychological Association
If the
organization has a well-known abbreviation, include the abbreviation in
brackets the first time the source is cited and then use only the abbreviation
in later citations.
First citation: (Mothers Against Drunk Driving [MADD],
Second citation: (MADD, 2000)
Two or
More Works in the Same Parentheses: When your parenthetical citation
includes two or more works, order them the same way they appear in the reference
list, separated by a semi-colon.
(Berndt, 2002; Harlow, 1983)
With the Same Last Name: To prevent confusion, use first initials with
the last names.
(E. Johnson, 2001; L. Johnson, 1998)
Two or
More Works by the Same Author in the Same Year: If
you have two sources by the same author in the same year, use lower-case
letters (a, b, c) with the year to order the entries in the reference list. Use
the lower-case letters with the year in the in-text citation.
Research by Berndt (1981a) illustrated that...
Prefaces, Forewords, and Afterwords: When citing an Introduction,
Preface, Foreword, or Afterwords in-text, cite the appropriate author and year
as usual.
(Funk & Kolln, 1992)
Communication: For interviews, letters, e-mails, and other
person-to-person communication, cite the communicator's name, the fact that it
was personal communication, and the date of the communication. Do not include
personal communication in the reference list.
(E. Robbins, personal communication, January 4, 2001).
A. P. Smith also claimed that many of her students had
difficulties with APA style (personal communication, November 3, 2002).
Indirect Sources
If you use
a source that was cited in another source, name the original source in your
signal phrase. List the secondary source in your reference list and include the
secondary source in the parentheses.
Johnson argued that...(as cited in Smith, 2003, p.
Note: When
citing material in parentheses, set off the citation with a comma, as above.
Also, try to locate the original material and cite the original source.
possible, cite an electronic document the same as any other document by using
the author-date style.
Kenneth (2000) explained...
Author and Unknown Date: If no author or date is given, use the title in
your signal phrase or the first word or two of the title in the parentheses and
use the abbreviation "n.d." (for "no date").
Another study of students and research decisions
discovered that students succeeded with tutoring ("Tutoring and APA,"
Without Page Numbers
When an
electronic source lacks page numbers, you should try to include information
that will help readers find the passage being cited. When an electronic
document has numbered paragraphs, use the abbreviation "para."
followed by the paragraph number (Hall, 2001, para. 5). If the paragraphs are
not numbered and the document includes headings, provide the appropriate
heading and specify the paragraph under that heading. Note that in some
electronic sources, like Web pages, people can use the Find function in their
browser to locate any passages you cite.
According to Smith (1997), ... (Mind over Matter
section, para. 6).
Sources in Research Papers
APA Style
This guide is intended
as a general introduction to citing sources using the bibliographic style
established by the American Psychological Association (APA). For more complete
details, see the most recent edition of thePublication Manual of
the American Psychological Association (REF KNIGHT BF 76.7
.P83). Note that the manual includes essential information on manuscript
preparation (e.g., margins, use of the passive voice), creating figures and
tables, and ethics.
The custom of citing
references – that is, providing a record of the sources you have used for your
research – is a form of professional honesty and courtesy that is based on a
regard for the responsibilities that writers have to readers and to other
writers to indicate when they have used someone else's ideas or words.
Citing sources also
strengthens the authority of your work, by demonstrating that you have
considered others' opinions and ideas in forming your own. In addition, it
gives the the reader valuable information, indicating where he or she may go to
get further information on that subject; for many researchers, the list of
cited references at the end of a relevant article or book is the single most
valuable item they can come across in their research.
Accuracy in citing
references is highly regarded, and essential in helping others locate the
materials you used in your research. Consider the following, from the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association,5th ed.:
Because one purpose of
listing references is to enable readers to retrieve and use the sources,
reference data must be correct and complete.... Authors are responsible for all
information in their reference lists. Accurately prepared references help
establish your credibility as a careful researcher.
Because of the
importance of citing references, the scholarly community has agreed on several
standards – found in style manuals – to use when citing a
reference or compiling a bibliography. Many different styles exist; the
following list represents the most commonly used or prominent styles.
are presented in alphabetical order by the first author's last name, or, if no
author is listed, by the first element of the citation (generally the title).
your research, develop a consistent system for noting bibliographic information
(author, title, date, publisher, source, page numbers) and keep it with your
notes or copies of the source material you used.
consult your professor/department/publisher for specific requirements.
Citation Example
Type of Citation
Ramírez, C. Z., & Verkuyten,
M. (2011). Values, media framing, and political tolerance for extremist
groups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 1583-1602.
article, 7 or fewer authors, continuous pagination
Chafee, Z., Jr. (1962). Freedom of speech and press. In W. S. Dowden
& T. N. Marsh (Eds.), The heritage of freedom: Essays on the
rights of free men (pp. 140-156). New York, NY: Harper.
Chapter in an edited book
Dennis, E. E., & Vanden Heuvel, J. (1991). Emerging
voices: East European media in transition: A report of the Gannett Foundation
Task Force on Press Freedom in Eastern Europe (2nd ed.). New York,
NY: Gannett Foundation Media Center.
FCC ruling to stifle debate, critics say. (2003, June 13). The
Buffalo News,p. C1.
Newspaper article, unsigned
Foerstel, H. N. (Ed.). (1997). Free expression and censorship
in America: An encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Encyclopedia or dictionary
Freedom of the press: Hearing before the Subcommittee on
Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, Senate, 92d Cong., 1 (1972).
Government hearing, whole hearing
Cameron, J., Hooks, I., Kaysing,
N., Hoffman, M., Hackett, S., Butler, L. L., & ... Crawford, S. M.
(2011). Should P-16 physical education programs focus more on wellness and
obesity prevention objectives and goals?JOPERD: The Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation & Dance, 82(9), 12-18.
Journal article, more than 7 authors, pagination
restarts with each issue, no doi available
Terregino, C. A., & Saks, N.
S. (2010). Creative group performances to assess core competencies in a
first-year patient-centered medicine course. Medical Education
Online, 15, Article ID 4879. doi:10.3402/meo.v15i0.4879
Article retrieved from web site
Jeffords, S., & Rabinovitz, L. (Eds.). (1994). Seeing
through the media: The Persian Gulf war. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press.
Edited book
Paretsky, S. (2003, June 2). The new censorship. New
Statesman, 759,18-20.
Magazine article
Fuss-Reineck, M. (1993). Sibling communication in Star Trek:
The Next Generation: Conflicts between brothers. Miami, FL: Annual
Meeting of the Speech Communication Association. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED 364932)
ERIC Document
-- -- Note: according to the latest APA style
guide (6th edition), it is now sufficient to cite the web address (url) in
parentheses at the end of sentence in your text in which mention of the
website appears -- --
Entire web site, no date of publication
Sanders, B. (Producer/Director). (1987). Making the news fit [Motion
picture]. United States: Cinema Guild.
Film or video